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- As part of a project funded by the Bekker Programme of the National Academic Exchange Agency, you will study the fragmentation of these creatures, i.e. the separation of parts of the colony. How… czytaj więcej

Dr Julia Balcerowska z Nagrodą im. Jana Uphagena dla młodych naukowców! 

Tegorocznymi laureatami Nagrody Miasta Gdańska dla Młodych Naukowców im. Jana Uphagena zostali dr Julia Balcerowska z Instytutu Psychologii UG(nauki… read more

Ceremonial culmination of the 2020-24 term. Appointment of Deans for the 2024-2028 term!

The culmination of four years of intense activity and the beginning of a new collaboration! The University of Gdańsk Library hosted a ceremony to… read more

Preparations for the evaluation are in full swing

The room where no sound reaches, the history of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, but above all the preparations for the… read more

The 'Energy of the Future' competition has started. You are welcome to take part!

Students and doctoral students are cordially invited to participate in the 'Energy of the Future' competition. The main prize is a trip to a foreign… read more

Take care of your health during the 4th Occupational Safety and Health Day at the UG

Exercises with a physiotherapist, consultations with a podiatrist, rapid diagnostic tests, first aid workshops, and a health run - these are just… read more

Are you conducting research at UG? Wondering how to develop innovation effectively? This event is for you!

  Technology Transfer Office is embarking on its new development strategy with Intellectual Property&Innovation Week, which is held under the… read more

Chances and challenges of AI

Commission for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools at the University of Gdańsk and Faculty HR Excellence in Research Strategy Team of WPiA… read more

Success at the Polish Academic Judo Championships!

Agata Palka won the gold medal in the general classification of the Polish Academic Judo Championships! The competitor in the up to 70 kg category… read more

UG scientists support young researchers!

NAUKA POMAGA - POMÓŻ NAUCE (SCIENCE HELPS - HELP SCIENCE) - with this slogan, the Foundation for Polish Science encourages you to donate 1.5% of your… read more

"Ethical and legal problems of practical applications of artificial intelligence"

Commission related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools at the University of Gdańsk and Faculty HR Excellence in Research Strategy Team… read more


Justyna Pomierska – adiunkt w Zakładzie Polonistyki Stosowanej w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, od…


Jak spojrzymy na to całościowo, to Rosja będzie największym beneficjentem tego kryzysu - mówi prof. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski z…


Jakby na potwierdzenie cytowanych statystyk, przykłady projektów zrealizowanych z sukcesem zaprezentowały prof. Sylwia…


Jakim politykiem jest Pellegrini i jaka to będzie prezydentura? Jakie tematy zdominują krajowe kampanie przed czerwcowymi…