
Ilustracja: Rector UG prof. Piotr Stepnowski elected President of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities

Rector UG prof. Piotr Stepnowski elected President of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities

The Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski has been elected the President of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities. This is the first time in the history of the University of Gdańsk that a…
Ilustracja: Research cruise through the eyes of a novelist - Zygmunt Miłoszewski runs BaltArctic Cruise Logbook

Research cruise through the eyes of a novelist - Zygmunt Miłoszewski runs BaltArctic Cruise Logbook

The wind blows hard • The great expedition of the small Baltic • The scientific bucket • The cure for the mania of grandeur • The ocean looks like a spinach smoothie • A sip of monsters The tenth day of the expedition,…

Ilustracja: Once again Impact Factor for four UG journals

Once again Impact Factor for four UG journals

In June 2024, as every year, Clarivate calculated the Impact Factor indices for the previous year for journals indexed in the Web of Science database. Impact Factor was obtained for four journals published by the…


University of Gdańsk maintains its position among universities and in general ranking!

Only the 'cast-iron' three classical universities overtook the University of Gdańsk in the latest Perspektywy ranking. We maintained a very good 4th university position and 16th in the…


Ministerial scholarships for outstanding young scientists from the University of Gdańsk

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded scholarships for outstanding young scientists for the 19th time. The results were announced on Friday, June 21. Eight scientists from…


'Cooperation is the key to this success' - r/v Oceanograf sails into Bodø

Over 90 % of planned research completed, hundreds of nautical miles of scientific collaboration, and a new dimension of SEA-EU alliance collaboration - the r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania…


Officer, special forces instructor, lecturer, and researcher. Interview with Ole Boe, visiting professor at the UG Institute of Psychology

He is a retired captain in the Norwegian Armed Forces and Norway's first professor in military command. He served for many years as an operations officer in a Norwegian military special…

About the University

Ilustracja: About the University

About the University

General and historical information about the authorities as well as a guide to the University - a map and a virtual walk.

Ilustracja: Research


Information about scientific research, conferences, seminars and trips abroad, scholarships, awards. More information about Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.

Ilustracja: Incoming Students

Incoming Students

We invite you to bachelor's and master's degrees, postgraduate studies, and doctoral schools. More information on why it is worth studying at the University and Erasmus+

Ilustracja: Study


Basic information about practical aspects of studying in Poland and at the University of Gdańsk. Here we also offer courses, training and summer schools, culture and sport.

Ilustracja: Cooperation


Information about international, inter-university, and socio-economic cooperation, which is conducted as part of such projects.

Ilustracja: SEA-EU


SEA-EU is an alliance of 9 European and coastal universities from Gdańsk, Cadiz, Brest, Kiel, Split, Malta, Algarve, Naples oraz Bodø . Our vision is to establish a distinctly international, pluri-ethnic, multilingual and interdisciplinary European University.






Faculties / International Research Agendas


Subjects BrE.