Appeal procedure


Administrative rejection decision issued by the Rector will be available in the IRK system. 

In case when candidate:

  • didn’t pay the recruitment fee within the required deadline
  • didn’t upload scans of all required documents in the IRK system (or scans were poor quality that made the verification impossible)
  • provided incorrect data and/or results in the IRK system
  • obtained insufficient number of points in the recruitment procedure for chosen program of study 
  • didn’t meet the acceptance criteria
  • didn’t submit required documents within the required deadline

an appeal is NOT JUSTIFIED and will be rejected. 

Candidate can appeal if rejection was caused by:

  • mistakes (violation of law) made by the Admission Committee,
  • IRK system errors.


Appeal procedure

1.    Administrative rejection decision available in the IRK system. 
2.    Appeal submission 
Appeal can be submitted: 
-via iRK system
-via post/ courier (template of the appeal).



  • Appeal submitted electronically via IRK system, must be signed with qualified or trusted electronic signature ( it’s NOT the scan of appeal with handwritten signature). 
  • Candidate can appeal within 14 from the moment of delivery the rejection decision.  The date of delivery of the decision is the date when the candidate downloads the decision, available on his account in the IRK system. If the candidate doesn’t download the decision within 14 days of its availability in the IRK system, the decision is considered delivered on the 15th day. 


Due to multiple mistakes made by candidates (uploading files that do not meet the formal requirements - lack of qualified or trusted electronic signature), the possibility of submitting appeals via the IRK system has been temporarily blocked. Therefore appeal letters must be submitted to the Recruitment Office in person or by post.

3.    Appeal is being considered by the Rector of the University of Gdansk and the final decision will be available in the IRK system. 

appeal template

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appeal-template.pdf 97.25 KB
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Submitted on Tue, 02/20/2024 - 12:18 by Dominika Brulińska Changed on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 11:12 by Dominika Brulińska