Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)


CoARA Action Plan 2024-2028, University of Gdańsk, Poland

Full version available here --> CoARA Action Plan


HRUniversity of Gdańsk awarded with HR Excellence in Research

We are proud to announce that the University of Gdańsk has been awarded by the European Commission the distinction Human Resources Excellence in Research.

The European Commission awards institutions that comply with the recommendations described in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers. These institutions are evaluated by the EC experts as organisations that take measures to establish optimal working conditions, enhance professional development and provide a framework for transparent recruitment of researchers.

The University of Gdańsk is the second university in Poland that has received this distinction.

Striving for an attractive, open and sustainable European job market for researchers, in 2005 the European Commission adopted recommendations which describe the principles of recruitment and working conditions of researchers: the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Numerous European research as well as research funding institutions, including the University of Gdańsk, have expressed their endorsement of these principles.

Information on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers:

The European Charter for Researchers describes rights and requirements which apply to researchers as well as to institutions employing researchers and research funding organisations. The principles refer to working conditions, professional development, mobility and supervision of young researchers.

The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers describes general principles of recruitment of researchers which should be applied by employers and provide equal treatment of all researchers in Europe. The principles include transparent information on procedures during job competitions, offering possibilities for professional development on all levels of a researcher’s career, non-discrimination e.g. related to gender, age, origin, language.

More information on this initiative are available on the website of the European Commission:

Due to the process of implementation the European Charter for Researchers at the University of Gdańsk, please fill in the questionnaire. Your answers will contribute to  the preparation of the Human Resources Strategy and the Action Plan. Then we will apply at the European Commission for evaluation and – in case of a positive result – for the distinction HR Excellence in Research.

Questions have been divided into three areas:

  1. Ethical and professional aspects
  2. Recruitment and evaluation of employees
  3. Professional development and working conditions

Please read each principle and evaluate if it has been implemented at the University of Gdańsk. We also appreciate your comments and proposed actions for improvements related to the principles.


HR Development Policy (OTM-R Policy)

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Submitted on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 14:57 by Sebastian Zaborowski Changed on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 12:53 by Agata Głombiowska