Yes - Tak [tahk]
No - Nie [nyeh]
Please - Proszę [proh-sheh]
Thank you - Dziękuję [jen-koo-yeh]
You are welcome - Nie ma za co [Nye-mah-za-tso]
Excuse me/I'm sorry - Przepraszam [psheh-prah-sham]
Hi/Hello/Bye - Cześć [cheshch] (not formal, can be used as a greeting or goodbye)
How are you? - Jak się masz? [yahk shey mahsh?] (usually follows a greeting)
Good morning/Good afternoon - Dzień dobry [jane-doh-brih] (standard formal daytime greeting for situations of unknown importance)
Good evening - Dobry wieczór [doh-brih vieh-choor] (standard formal evening greeting)
Good night - Dobranoc [doh-bra notes]
Cheers/Bless you - Na zdrowie [nah zdroh-vyeh] (used to toast someone / when someone sneezes)
I’m a student - Jestem studentem [yeh-stem stood-hen-tehm]
I don't understand - Nie rozumiem [nye ross-umyea-mm]
I don't speak Polish - Nie mówię po polsku [nyeh moo-vyeh poh pohl-skoo]
I would like to order – Czy mogę zamówić (insert dish name here)? [ch mog-yeh za-moo-veetch (dish name)?]
How much is it? - Ile to kosztuje? [eel'e tho kosh-two-yeah?]
What is it? - Co to jest? [tso tho yeast?]